Shareholder Structure and Equity Info


Shareholder Share in Capital (TL) Ratio in Capital (%) Voting Right (Number) Voting Right Ratio (%)
Group A Group B
METİN BAROKAS 26.500.000 87.500.000 69,09 220.000.000 81,18
LDR TURİZM A.Ş. 2.000.000 1,21 2.000.000 0,74
OTHER 49.000.000 29,70 49.000.000 18,08
TOTAL 26.500.000 138.500.000 100,00 271.000.000 100


Table represents breakdown of shareholders holding more than 5% of the capital and voting rights.

The data in this table are published and updated by the Central Securities Depository of Turkiye (MKK) (, and up-to-date information can be found on our Company’s page on the Public Disclosure Platform.


Share Group Registered / Bearer Share Nominal Value per Share (TL) Monetary Unit Nominal Value of Shares Monetary Unit Ratio to Total Capital Type of Privilege Exchange Traded or Not
A Registered 1 TRY 26.500.000 TRY %16,06 There is a privilege to nominate half of the board members. Not Traded
B Bearer 1 TRY 138.500.000 TRY %83,94 None Traded

Pursuant to Article 6 of the Articles of Association, Group A shares are granted the privilege of nominating candidates to the Board of Directors and voting rights at General Assembly meetings.

According to Article 7 of the Articles of Association, half of the members of the Board of Directors are elected by the General Assembly from among the candidates nominated by Group A shareholders.

According to Article 9 of the Articles of Association, each Group A share has 5 (five) votes and each Group B share has 1 (one) vote in ordinary and extraordinary general assembly meetings.